Best Clubfoot Correction Treatment in Kandivali. A doctor can usually detect clubfoot shortly after birth simply by looking at the shape and positioning of the newborn’s foot. Occasionally, the doctor may request X-rays to determine the severity of the clubfoot, but this is not always necessary.

During a routine ultrasound exam in week 20 of pregnancy, most cases of clubfoot can be seen before birth. While there is nothing that can be done to prevent clubfoot before birth, being aware of the condition may allow you to learn more about it and contact appropriate health professionals, such as a pediatric orthopedic surgeon and a genetics counselor.

Treatment for clubfoot usually begins in the first week or two after birth, due to the flexibility of your newborn’s bones, joints, and tendons. Treatment aims to improve the appearance and function of your child’s foot before he or she learns to walk, with the goal of preventing long-term disabilities. Book an appointment for Best Clubfoot Correction Treatment in Kandivali.

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